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gqlNonAuthMutation method

Future gqlNonAuthMutation (String mutation, {Map<String, dynamic>? variables, bool reCall = true})

This function is used to run the graph-ql mutation to authenticate the non signed-in user.


  • mutation: mutation is used to change/add/delete data in graphql, for more info read graphql docs
  • variables: variables to be passed with mutation
  • reCall: when not first fetch call


  • Future<dynamic>: it returns Future of dynamic


Future<dynamic> gqlNonAuthMutation(
String mutation, {
Map<String, dynamic>? variables,
bool reCall = true,
}) async {
final QueryResult result = await clientNonAuth.mutate(
document: gql(mutation),
variables: variables ?? <String, dynamic>{},
// if there is an error or exception in [result]
if (result.hasException) {
final exception = encounteredExceptionOrError(result.exception!);
if (exception! && reCall) {
gqlNonAuthMutation(mutation, variables: variables);
} else if ( != null && result.isConcrete) {
return result;
return null;