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fetchOrgById method

Future fetchOrgById (String id)

<p>This function fetch the organization using the <code>id</code> passed.</p> <p><strong>params</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><code>id</code>: id that identifies a particular org</li> </ul> <p><strong>returns</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><code>Future<dynamic></code>: it returns Future of dynamic</li> </ul>


Future\<dynamic\> fetchOrgById(String id) async \{
final QueryResult result = await clientNonAuth
.mutate(MutationOptions(document: gql(_query.fetchOrgById(id))));
if there is an error or exception in [result]
if (result.hasException) \{
final exception = encounteredExceptionOrError(result.exception!);
if (exception!) \{
\} else if ( != null && result.isConcrete) \{
return OrgInfo.fromJson(
ignore: collection_methods_unrelated_type
(!['organizations'] as Map\<String, dynamic\>)[0]
as Map\<String, dynamic\>,
return false;