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getPhotoFromGallery method

Future<File?> getPhotoFromGallery ({bool camera = false})

<p>This function is used to pick the image from gallery or to click the image from user's camera.</p> <p>The function first ask for the permission to access the camera, if denied then returns a message in.</p> <p>custom Dialog Box. This function returns a File type for which <code>camera</code> variable is false by default.</p> <p><strong>params</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><code>camera</code>: if true then open camera for image, else open gallery to select image.</li> </ul> <p><strong>returns</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><code>Future<File?></code>: the image the user choosed.</li> </ul>


Future\<File?\> getPhotoFromGallery(\{bool camera = false\}) async \{
asking for user's camera access permission.
try \{
checking for the image source, it could be camera or gallery.
final image = await _picker.pickImage(
source: camera ? :,
if image is selected or not null, call the cropImage function that provide service to crop the selected image.
if (image != null) \{
return await cropImage(imageFile: File(image.path));
\} catch (e) \{
if the permission denied or error occurs.
if (e is PlatformException && e.code == 'camera_access_denied') \{
push the dialog alert with the message.
success: () \{
dialogTitle: 'Permission Denied',
successText: 'SETTINGS',
"Camera permission is required, to use this feature, give permission from app settings",
"MultiMediaPickerService : Exception occurred while choosing photo from the gallery $e",
return null;