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getDirectChatsByUserId method

Future<void> getDirectChatsByUserId ()

This function is used to get all the chats by the user.

parameters required:

  • usedId - current user id, to get all the direct chats associated with this id.


Future<void> getDirectChatsByUserId() async {
final userId =;

// trigger graphQL query to get all the chats of the user using [userId].
final String query = ChatQueries().fetchDirectChatsByUserId(userId!);

final result = await _dbFunctions.gqlAuthQuery(query);

final directMessageList =['directChatsByUserID'] as List;

// loop through the result [directMessageList] and append the element to the directChat.
directMessageList.forEach((chat) {
final directChat =
ChatListTileDataModel.fromJson(chat as Map<String, dynamic>);

directChat.users!.forEach((element) {
if ( != userId) _chatController.add(directChat);