main library
PageView is a scrollable list that works page by page.
ViewModel uses property-based data binding to establish a connection.
Main widget that sets up the quick actions, internationalization, routing , notifications.
androidFirebaseOptions ↔ Map<String, dynamic>
HashMap of Firebase options for android.
<span class="feature">read / write</span>
channel ↔ AndroidNotificationChannel
Create a <a href="">AndroidNotificationChannel</a> for heads up notifications.
<span class="feature">read / write</span>
flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin ↔ FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
Initialize the <a href="">FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin</a> package.
<span class="feature">read / write</span>
iosFirebaseOptions ↔ Map<String, dynamic>
HashMap of Firebase options for android.
<span class="feature">read / write</span>
main() Future<void>
First function to initialize the application, invoked automatically.
setUpFirebase() Future<void>
Initializes the firebase in the app according to the userplatform (android/iOS).
setUpFirebaseKeys() Future<void>
Initializes the firebase keys in the app according to the userplatform (android/iOS).
setUpFirebaseMessaging() Future<void>
Set up firebase instance, enbables messaging,listens to icoming messages.