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API Documentation Flow

This section explains the process of generating documentation for Talawa API and updating the Talawa Docs website.

  • DocsWorkFlow


  1. Clone the talawa-api repository into the talawa-docs directory.

    git clone --depth=1 --branch develop
  2. Create a new directory inside talawa-docs for API documentation.

    mkdir -p docs/talawa-api-docs
  3. Enter the cloned talawa-api repository.

    cd talawa-api
  4. Generate documentation using Typedoc inside the talawa-api-docs directory.

    npm install --global typedoc
    npm install typedoc-plugin-markdown
    npx typedoc --entryPoints src --out talawa-api-docs --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --entryPointStrategy expand
  5. Recursively copy the generated documentation to the docs/talawa-api-docs folder.

    cp -r talawa-api/talawa-api-docs/* docs/talawa-api-docs/
  6. Clean up the cloned repository and push the updated documentation.

    rm -rf talawa-api
    git add .
    git commit -m "Updated talawa api docs"
    git pull --rebase origin develop
    git push -u origin develop