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Feed Caching

An abstract base class for managing a feed of type [T] with support for caching and online data fetching. This class is designed to provide a unified interface for handling data operations that involve both local caching and remote API interactions.


BaseFeedManager provides a robust framework for managing data feeds by:

  • Initializing a cache using Hive.
  • Loading data from the local cache.
  • Saving data to the local cache.
  • Fetching new data from a remote API.
  • Automatically refreshing the cache based on online connectivity.

This class is generic and can be used with any data type by specifying the type parameter [T]. Subclasses must implement the abstract method fetchDataFromApi to define how to retrieve data from an API.


Basefeed manager

  1. Initialize Feed

    • The BaseFeedManager is initialized with the specific feed type. During initialization:
      • The associated Hive box for caching is set up.
      • Any previously cached feed data is loaded from local storage.
  2. Serve Cached Data

    • The feed manager immediately retrieves and serves cached data from local storage to the UI.
    • This ensures that users see previously loaded content while new data is fetched in the background.
  3. Fetch Fresh Data

    • The API Service performs a network request to fetch the latest feed data from the server.
    • This operation occurs asynchronously to avoid blocking the UI thread.
  4. Update Cache

    • Once fresh data is successfully fetched, it is stored in the cache.
    • The existing cache is cleared and replaced with the new data to ensure that the cache remains up-to-date.
  5. UI Update

    • The UI is updated to display the latest feed content.
    • This involves notifying relevant components to refresh and render the updated data, ensuring that users have access to the most recent information.


BaseFeedManager(String cacheKey)

Initializes the BaseFeedManager with a unique cache key for Hive.


  • cacheKey: A unique string used to identify the cache box in Hive.


  • String cacheKey: The unique key used to access the Hive cache box.
  • Box<T> _box: The Hive box that stores the cached data.




Initializes the Hive box associated with the cacheKey.


  • Future<void>: Completes when the initialization is finished.


Future<List<T>> loadCachedData()

Loads the data cached in Hive.


  • Future<List<T>>: A Future that resolves to a list of cached data of type [T].


Future<void> saveDataToCache(List<T> data)

Saves a list of data to the cache, replacing any existing data.


  • data: A list of data of type [T] to be saved in the cache.


  • Future<void>: Completes when the data has been saved to the cache.


Future<List<T>> fetchDataFromApi()

An abstract method that must be implemented by subclasses to fetch data from an API.


  • Future<List<T>>: A Future that resolves to a list of data of type [T] fetched from the API.


Future<List<T>> getNewFeedAndRefreshCache()

Fetches new data from the API if online, updates the cache, and returns the data. If offline, it loads and returns cached data.


  • Future<List<T>>: A Future that resolves to a list of the latest data of type [T].

Example Usage

To use BaseFeedManager, create a subclass that implements the fetchDataFromApi method. Here is an example of how to create a concrete implementation:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'base_feed_manager.dart'; // Import your BaseFeedManager class

class MyFeedManager extends BaseFeedManager<MyDataType> {
MyFeedManager() : super('myFeedCacheKey');

Future<List<MyDataType>> fetchDataFromApi() async {
// Replace with your actual API fetching logic
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final List<dynamic> jsonData = json.decode(response.body);
return => MyDataType.fromJson(item)).toList();
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load data');

void main() async {

// Open Hive box
await Hive.openBox<MyDataType>('myFeedCacheKey');

final feedManager = MyFeedManager();

// Fetch and refresh cache
final data = await feedManager.getNewFeedAndRefreshCache();

// Use the data