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talawa-admin / Modules / screens/OrganizationDashboard/OrganizationDashboardMocks

Module: screens/OrganizationDashboard/OrganizationDashboardMocks

Table of contents




Const EMPTY_MOCKS: ({ request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATIONS_LIST } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined ; organizations: { _id: number = 123; address: { city: string = 'Delhi'; countryCode: string = 'IN'; dependentLocality: string = 'Some Dependent Locality'; line1: string = '123 Random Street'; line2: string = 'Apartment 456'; postalCode: string = '110001'; sortingCode: string = 'ABC-123'; state: string = 'Delhi' } ; admins: { _id: string = '123'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'John'; lastName: string = 'Doe' }[] ; blockedUsers: { _id: string = '789'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'Steve'; lastName: string = 'Smith' }[] ; creator: { email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'John'; lastName: string = 'Doe' } ; description: string = 'This is a Dummy Organization'; image: string = ''; members: { _id: string = '123'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'John'; lastName: string = 'Doe' }[] ; membershipRequests: never[] = []; name: string = 'Dummy Organization'; userRegistrationRequired: boolean = true; visibleInSearch: boolean = false }[] ; postsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined } } } | { request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATION_POST_CONNECTION_LIST } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined ; organizations?: undefined ; postsByOrganizationConnection: { edges: never[] = [] } } } } | { request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATION_EVENT_CONNECTION_LIST } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection: never[] = []; organizations?: undefined ; postsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined } } })[]

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Const ERROR_MOCKS: { error: Error ; request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATIONS_LIST } }[]

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Const MOCKS: ({ request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATIONS_LIST; variables?: undefined } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined ; organizations: { _id: number = 123; address: { city: string = 'Delhi'; countryCode: string = 'IN'; dependentLocality: string = 'Some Dependent Locality'; line1: string = '123 Random Street'; line2: string = 'Apartment 456'; postalCode: string = '110001'; sortingCode: string = 'ABC-123'; state: string = 'Delhi' } ; admins: { _id: string = '123'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'John'; lastName: string = 'Doe' }[] ; blockedUsers: { _id: string = '789'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'Steve'; lastName: string = 'Smith' }[] ; creator: { email: string = ''; firstName: string = ''; lastName: string = '' } ; description: string = 'This is a Dummy Organization'; image: string = ''; members: { _id: string = '123'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'John'; lastName: string = 'Doe' }[] ; membershipRequests: { _id: string = '456'; user: { email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'Jane'; lastName: string = 'Doe' } }[] ; name: string = 'Dummy Organization'; userRegistrationRequired: boolean = true; visibleInSearch: boolean = false }[] ; postsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined } } } | { request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATION_POST_CONNECTION_LIST; variables?: undefined } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined ; organizations?: undefined ; postsByOrganizationConnection: { edges: { _id: string = '6411e54835d7ba2344a78e29'; commentCount: number = 2; comments: { __typename: string = 'Comment'; _id: string = '64eb13beca85de60ebe0ed0e'; creator: { __typename: string = 'User'; _id: string = '63d6064458fce20ee25c3bf7'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'Noble'; lastName: string = 'Mittal' } ; likeCount: number = 1; likedBy: { _id: number = 1 }[] ; text: string = 'Yes, that is $50' }[] ; createdAt: Dayjs ; creator: { _id: string = '640d98d9eb6a743d75341067'; email: string = ''; firstName: string = 'Aditya'; lastName: string = 'Shelke' } ; imageUrl: null = null; likeCount: number = 0; likedBy: { _id: string = '63d6064458fce20ee25c3bf7'; firstName: string = 'Comment'; lastName: string = 'Likkert' }[] ; pinned: boolean = false; text: string = 'Hey, anyone saw my watch that I left at the office?'; title: string = 'Post 2'; videoUrl: null = null }[] } } } } | { request: { query: DocumentNode = ORGANIZATION_EVENT_CONNECTION_LIST; variables: { organization_id: string = '123' } } ; result: { data: { eventsByOrganizationConnection: { _id: string = '1'; allDay: boolean = false; description: string = 'Sample Description'; endDate: string = '2023-10-29T23:59:59.000Z'; endTime: string = '17:00:00'; isPublic: boolean = true; isRegisterable: boolean = true; location: string = 'Sample Location'; recurring: boolean = false; startDate: string = '2023-10-29T00:00:00.000Z'; startTime: string = '08:00:00'; title: string = 'Sample Event' }[] ; organizations?: undefined ; postsByOrganizationConnection?: undefined } } })[]

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