Using Git as you work
Know what branch you're currently working on
When working with Git, it's crucial to know which branch you have currently checked out, Most of the Git commands implicitly operate on the current branch. you can determine the currently checked out branch in several ways:
One of the most common ways is with git status
$ git status
on branch git-demo
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Another is with git branch which will display all local branches, with a star icon next to the current branch:
$ git branch
* git-demo
You can see more detailed information about your branches, including remote branches, to do the same use, git branch -vva
$ git branch -vva
develop 3ca006a [origin/develop] Updating talawa documentation as new PR merged into talawa:automated-docs
* docs 3ca006a Updating talawa documentation as new PR merged into talawa:automated-docs
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/develop
remotes/origin/develop 3ca006a Updating talawa documentation as new PR merged into talawa:automated-docs