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Authentication is important for recognizing a user's identity. Authentication prevents unauthorized users from accessing your device or network. This is a security process that covers all of the human-to-computer interactions that require the user to register and log in.

How can a User Authenticate?

Sign Up

A user can authenticate by creating a new account. This can be done by sending request to api with sign up fields.

image: string
tokenVersion: number
firstName: string
lastName: string
email: string
password: string
createdOrganizations: [Organization]
createdEvents: [Event]
joinedOrganizations: [Organization]
registeredEvents: [Event]
eventAdmin: [Event]
adminFor: [Event]
membershipRequests: [MembershipRequest]
organizationsBlockBy: [Organization]
organizationUserBelongsTo: [Organization]


If a User has already signed up He/She can login to the application by authenticating following Fields .

email: string
password: string