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talawa-api / minioInstallationCheck / checkMinio

Function: checkMinio()

> checkMinio(): Promise<string | void>

Checks if MinIO is installed by attempting to execute minio --version. If MinIO is not installed, it triggers the installation process.

This function first checks if MinIO is already installed by calling isMinioInstalled().

  • If MinIO is found to be installed, it logs a message and resolves with no value.
  • If MinIO is not found, it initiates the installation process using installMinio().
    • If the installation succeeds, it logs a success message and resolves with the path to the installed MinIO binary.
    • If the installation fails, it logs an error message and rejects the promise with the error.


Promise<string | void>

A promise that resolves with:

  • The path to the MinIO binary if it was installed.
  • No value if MinIO was already installed.


Error If an error occurs during the check or installation process.

Defined in
